The nihilgender flag.
Nihilgender is a gender that feels absent and empty. It it similar to, but not the same as, gender-apathy, agender, gendervoid, and neagender. Someone who is nihilgender is not agender. One has a gender yet it is empty. In metaphorical contexts, a nihilgender person would have an empty cup with nothing in it, while an agender person would not have a cup at all.
From Latin, “Nihil” meaning “Nothing” + “-gender”, an English neologistic suffix indicating genderedness. Coined by user saturnart in 2018.[1]
The nihilgender flag was made by Tumblr user gender-resource on July 21, 2020.[2] This flag is comprised of three, solid-colored horizontal stripes of the same size with a centered white “X”. From top to bottom, the colors are magenta, dark blue and black. The magenta stripe represents paradoxical existence, as magenta is absent from the visible light spectrum, but is still a perceptible color. The blue stripe represents emptiness; when numerous pigments are mixed together, they frequently produce brown, with this shade of blue being the opposite of that color. Black represents absence, as the world becomes dark when light is absence. The white “X” represents nothingness, the namesake of the gender itself.